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Vivian Louise Daniel

October 1931 -  November 2003

Beloved Teacher, Advocate, Feminist, Community Activist, and Photographer.

The last wish Louise expressed to her friends was that some event be established to remind women of all ages in our community of their unique history.  Her concern was that younger women were not familiar with the efforts of earlier women to overcome barriers to equality.

Before her death, Louise agreed that an annual Women's History Lecture could address her concerns and achieve her last wish.  Her friends raised the funds to start the luncheons.

This will be the twelfth annual luncheon that will highlight women's history in our area.  The past luncheons have recognized women lawyers, public

school teachers and administrators, business leaders, child-care providers, elected officials, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) professionals, bankers, and farmers/ranchers.


Louise found expression for her love of the Panhandle. Her photographs are works of art and show the simple beauty of the land around us.

Louise Daniel Women's History Luncheon
Contact:  Amarillo College Foundation   Attn: Louise Daniel Luncheon    PO Box 19382, Amarillo, TX 79178

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